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Tools, thoughts ¬es
Please Note: If you are in crisis
I do not offer crisis services. Please call emergency services (911) and/or go directly to the closest hospital's emergency room.
Here are some additional helpful crisis services in our community:
COAST Crisis Line in Halton: 1-877-825-9011 (answered 24/7)
ConnexOntario - Mental Health and Addictions Helpline: 1-866-531-2600
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or
Ontario Association for Suicide Prevention:
Briar's Guided Meditation
"Centering and Permission"
Join Briar for this short guided meditation to center your focus within your body.
Use this meditation to remember that you are more than enough, just the way you are right now.
Use this meditation when you feel guided to come back to the present moment.
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