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During this 1-hour workshop Briar will walk you through the basics of understanding emotional fluency with the particular emotion of anger, and it's cousins - irritation, frustration, rage, and resentment. The educational portion of the workshop comes first, with insightful questions to explore your unique relationship with anger. The second portion of the workshop guides your through a series of movement and breath practices to explore healthy expressions of anger. Briar uses real-life examples of how these movements can be used during your work, family, and personal time for increased well-being. 


A set of downloadable PDF handouts is also attached to this purchase; walking you through the content, reflection questions, and strategies explored in the workshop. 


It's a jam-packed bundle of goodness to enhance your confidence in navigating both, your own anger and that of others. The workshop gives you real-life ideas and strategies to begin implementing today!

Embodied Emotions: Anger Workshop

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